Guilty of Wasted Ad Spend?

Having a great ad is only part one of what you need to do to target, engage and retain customers that keep your business going. Which brings us to the 2 essential missing pieces that complete your mobile marketing:  1. While your ad is busy driving traffic to your website, don’t leave people alone to Read more…

Ready in 2 Minutes

When we say “self service” we really mean it. That’s why we created our ad setup to be so simple to use, that you can eliminate the need for assistance & get your mobile ad up and running on your own in minutes. Here’s what you need to know to create your Read more…

Don’t Forget About This

Creating a great product or service and then marketing it, is a delicate balance all businesses must maintain to be successful. You’ve worked hard to get your business to where it is now, but how many people in your town actually know about it? Your product won’t sell itself, it’s Read more…

Ad Myths & Facts

MYTH: Your ad does all the work for you, if a user clicks they are ready to buy something. We’ve already covered how to create a good ad, now lets talk Part 2: What really happens when someone clicks on your ad. A click to your ad does not seal the deal, it’s only half Read more…

Do YOU love your ad?

When businesses come to us and ask for help with their ad they often ask, “what should my ad say?” Our reply is actually rather simple, create an ad that you yourself would click on if you saw it. A consumer will ONLY click on an ad if it answers one question for Read more…