Stop Paying. Start Trading

Stop Paying. Start Trading

“Who knew I could get a spa day for my wife in exchange for golf lessons!”

We are so excited to introduce XPO by Cidewalk. A new, free marketplace for businesses to exchange goods and services with other businesses – no money involved!

Join the 10,000+ business community ready to trade with yours!

As an existing Cidewalk user, your business is already listed as a service in XPO! Login with your Cidewalk credentials here.

What to do on XPO now:

1. Login and update your profile (use your Cidewalk login info)

2. Customize what you would like to exchange with other businesses in any of your listings under “WHAT I OFFER”. Check your pre-listed items and edit as needed. Don’t forget to assign matching credits (1 credit = $1)

3. Add what you are interested in under “WHAT I NEED” so other businesses can find you and make an offer.

4. Find services you like and click the “heart”  to save it for later. View all services under “Wishlist”.

Happy Trading!
Taylor Brady,
Cidewalk XPO Expert