Mini Series – #8 LOCAL ADS

Mini Series – #8 LOCAL ADS

It’s week 8 of our Mini Series where we are diving deeper into our eBook  “10 Ways to Grow your Business Online in 2021” and this week we will feature the importance of local ads.


Local marketing can help just about any business in some way, but if you have a location based business like a restaurant, salon or retail, you will especially want to concentrate your marketing on a local level to reach a more relevant audience.

As a small business you want cost effective advertising. To get this, find services that specialize specifically in local marketing.

Technology has come a long way, you can now choose to geofence any location and reach only those people in that area. Setting an ad target toward people who are within a certain radius of your physical location can maximize your ad dollars in the right way.

Does your business have multiple locations? Set up individual landing pages for each location on your website to further your localization efforts.

NEXT: Mini Series – #9 BE REACHABLE

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