Having a great ad is only part one of what you need to do to target, engage and retain customers that keep your business going. Which brings us to the 2 essential missing pieces that complete your mobile marketing:
1. While your ad is busy driving traffic to your website, don’t leave people alone to find the info they need when they get there.
2. While you’re busy focusing on acquiring new customers, don’t forget about your existing customers.
So how can you be there for new customers coming to your website and also keep existing customers engaged?
Use these simple & effective tools to be there for your customers so that your initial ad spend doesn’t go to waste:
TXTLink – connect with people coming to your website instantly right from your phone. It’s clear people will rate your business based on how you interact with them.If they take customer support pretty seriously, then so should you.
EZTalk – engage with existing customers who already love your business. Did you know that 80% of business comes from repeat customers? Remind them your here with weekly text alerts.
Happy Promoting!
Geo the Fox,
Cidewalk GeoFencing Expert
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[…] Tip: Take it up another notch by retargeting people even after they leave your […]