Launch Smart Ads

Smarter Campaigns lead to more Effective Results.  Don’t just reach people with your Business Mobile Ads – Launch a Blast Ad AT ANY location (such as your competitors or a shopping mall) tag users and continue to reach them for up to 30 days! Get started in 5 Easy Steps: 1. Login to Read more…

Let’s Talk!

We learned one very surprising thing in 2020… the power of a simple gesture: “Let’s Talk”.  Reaching out to people is a very simple act, yet the outcome is extremely powerful.  2020 was the year of powerful connections that has set the stage for 2021: With Mobile Ads, we added Retargeting and Premium News Packages so that businesses Read more…

Keep your Cell Personal

Wanting to keep your cell phone personal and private seems obvious, right? But, when someone uses their own cell for business purposes, there’s a long list of things that can go wrong.  With texting as a new preferred way to reach a business, it’s important to separate your personal life you have Read more…

How we make OUR customers happy

Outreach is a clinic specializing in recovery for addiction, mental health and so much more.  Professional and unique care is one of their top priorities. Therefore, it has also been our top priority to continue to help Outreach with their ongoing relationship with their patients.   Outreach has been using Talkio Marketing as a crucial part Read more…