5 Ways For Event Planners To Use Cidewalk

Fri, 23 Oct 2015 13:06:48 -0700

Planning an event is a high intensity and stressful task. There are always multiple moving parts and problems to troubleshoot . . . .not to mention the anticipation of wondering if enough people will attend!
Luckily, that’s where Cidewalk can help. We can help make sure hundreds of individuals are aware of when your event is taking place. There are also some unique ways that event planners can use Cidewalk to promote their event. Here are our favorites:
5. When To Attend – Be sure to include the time of your event in the “Description” section. You don’t want people to not show up because they messed up the timing.  

4. Flyer Creation
– Need a quick flyer or poster for your event? Your mobile profile page contains all the necessary information; why not use that instead of spending time to create another piece?

3. Only XX Til
– Refresh your ad periodically to create a countdown. Not only will this remind people of your event, but it will also help to create intrigue.

2. Location, Location, Location – Instead of uploading a logo, provide a map screen shot instead. This will help show people exactly where your event is taking place and will prime them for your message.

1. Thank Your Sponsors – Run an ad thanking your sponsors for their support. They’ll appreciate the sentiment and extra publicity – making it more likely for them to support you next time.

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