Your Global Potential
Now that Cidewalk has gone global, businesses all over the world are realizing the new potential reach they have. Until now, it was not possible for businesses in other countries to launch a Cidewalk mobile ad reaching customers at their nearby competitor locations or for businesses to advertise in other countries as well as their own. We are now active in 194 counties, and counting!

What does going global mean to you?-> For clothes designers in Milan it means reaching people at Fashion week in NY and Paris.->For Game Stop in NY it means reaching attendees at Comic Con in Manhattan.->And Luxury Villas in Miami being promoted to World Fair attendees in Dubai.The possibilities are just about endless! Businesses of any size can now reach customers anywhere in the world with hyperlocal geofence enabled mobile ad campaigns, at an affordable price, as low as $5. Register for a Cidewalk account here, and click on Blast to get started for just $5.