Tag: text support

  • Turn Texts into Sales Leads

    If you make it easy for people to reach your business, you’re increasing the chances they will. And guess what.. 90 percent of consumers actually want to text with brands! (Twilio) Text messages from website visitors are not just texts – they are valuable leads. Once the line of communication is open, you can send relevant, valuable content to […]

  • Have your customers moved on?

    This is Maria. She realized she forgot to order the cake for a coworkers retirement party and it was only 1 day away. She needed a cake fast! She did what most people do, she searched online for bakeries near her.  She clicked on the closest bakery and browsed the website for help. She wasn’t sure if this bakery […]

  • 3 Step Marketing Guide

    Now is the perfect time to get a head start on your holiday marketing game plan. Follow these three simple steps: STEP 1: GET YOUR BUSINESS IN FRONT OF MORE PEOPLE With SpotLite Ads you can launch a geofenced ad for just $100 and see it go live instantly! STEP 2: CONNECT WITH YOUR WEBSITE […]

  • Are you reachable?

    “More than 50% of consumers would rather text for customer support than call”* If you’re still relying on your old email or phone support services to connect with and convert new customers then you are most likely missing out on new business. Customers don’t want to wait for your email, be kept on hold or wait […]

  • TXT-Link is taking over

    Offer a personalized, instant customer support experience without the hassle of talking on the phone. With TXT-LINK, you can offer privacy-enabled text messaging and elevate your customer support game. Anytime. Anywhere. Why businesses love it: No need for a separate phone. All messages go right to any cell phone you choose to link it to. Your personal cell number […]