Tag: small business

  • Event Targeting Takeover

    More than 46,000 people will be attending the Sundance Film Festival this month in Utah. This is just one of thousands of events you can target anywhere in the US or Canada – no matter where your business is located. In just 4 easy steps, your can schedule a Cidewalk Blast ad to target potential […]

  • 9 Tips for 2020

    Helping you grow your business is our business. Here is a FREE Marketing Guide and Checklist to jumpstart your 2020 growth:   HAPPY NEW YEAR! -The Cidewalk Team www.cidewalk.com

  • Your Mobile Ad Savings!

    We heard you! You want your ad to be seen by more people daily, especially before the holidays, so we created a way for you to do that AND also save you $83/month all at the same time! FOR A LIMITED TIME GET 100,000 ad views for just $250/mo! That’s more than 3x the ad views daily for MUCH […]

  • Is your ad clicking?

    Possibly more important than any other time of the year, the holiday season is when you want to make sure your ad is catching the attention of people. The end goal? Turning those clicks into new customers.  Here are some tips on how to get more clicks to your ads and also how you can get […]

  • Targeting the Right Audience

    Since we already know it can take up to 7 touch points to get the attention of your audience.  Make sure you’re doing everything you can to reach people with your mobile ad. The way you can do this is by setting up a retargeting ad. This will keep targeting anyone within your geofence even after they leave the […]