Best Ad for Your Business
Banner ads vs. Text based ads – what’s the difference and when should your business use them? A banner or static image ad can be seen on almost every website or mobile app you’ve been on and businesses who use them do so to create brand awareness with images and often a tag line: Text based […]
Town Takeover
Are you reaching people in your town or are other businesses taking all the views away from you? Flaunt your ad in your town and be seen by people everyday! Get started for FREE! Showcase your products, services, offers and deals to people near your business. Create your ad here and take over your town.
An answer to your question
A question we get from businesses almost everyday is: “Will geofencing work for a business like mine?” Although the answer to this can depend on many factors, you can find out if your business could benefit from the technology of geofencing advertising in less than 3 minutes! We created this simple 3 question checkpoint guide to help you learn […]
Bring on the Heat 🔥
The best way to optimize your ad targeting is to see comprehensive reporting and stats about your ads. With Cidewalk, you already have access to detailed stats everyday but now we are giving you even more! In addition to a Live, Real Time ad campaign footprint, advertisers now also have access to detailed monthly stats, […]
Think Outside the Box… Or Town!
How can you reach more people and spread the word about your business? By making sure people, even outside your town, know you exist! With Cidewalk, you can target any location that you think your potential customers might be at. Pro Tip: Edit your ad and change your target location as often as you want! To get started […]