Tag: geofence

  • Are You Open?

    With everything going on, some businesses have had to unfortunately close their doors for good, but most are simply temporarily closing their physical locations but remain in business.  ​ It’s important during this time to ​let your customers know you’re still here for them.  ​With Cidewalk, you’re not restricted to targeting your business location. You can set […]

  • Event Targeting Takeover

    More than 46,000 people will be attending the Sundance Film Festival this month in Utah. This is just one of thousands of events you can target anywhere in the US or Canada – no matter where your business is located. In just 4 easy steps, your can schedule a Cidewalk Blast ad to target potential […]

  • Is your ad clicking?

    Possibly more important than any other time of the year, the holiday season is when you want to make sure your ad is catching the attention of people. The end goal? Turning those clicks into new customers.  Here are some tips on how to get more clicks to your ads and also how you can get […]

  • 11 Days Left!

    Continuing our journey to empower small businesses, we are giving away free ads all throughout the month of November! Launch your ad now and experience first hand powerful marketing that can be used on a limited budget – a technology once only available to big brands to promote and grow. Cidewalk is giving 10 million ad views to 10,000 businesses in […]

  • 7 Reasons to Geofence

    You may already know how geofencing can help grow your business but you may not know all the ways Cidewalk takes geofencing to the next level. We take geofencing pretty seriously because we think reaching people should be affordable & easy to use. Here are 7 Reasons Businesses Love Geofencing with Cidewalk: 1. We give you the […]