Tag: business ads

  • (Do this) Before you start advertising

    (Do this) Before you start advertising

    The excitement is high and the free ads are rolling in.. did you get yours?? Yes, we have a 100% completely free ad option -giving you 1000 ad views each month at any location in US or Canada. We will never charge you, ever (promise).  And for the month of August, any free ads that launch, will be […]

  • Launch Smart Ads

    Launch Smart Ads

    Smarter Campaigns lead to more Effective Results.  Don’t just reach people with your Business Mobile Ads – Launch a Blast Ad AT ANY location (such as your competitors or a shopping mall) tag users and continue to reach them for up to 30 days! Get started in 5 Easy Steps: 1. Login to your account2. Click on Blast […]

  • 4 Things to NOT do this Holiday Season

    4 Things to NOT do this Holiday Season

    The holiday season is a busy time for everyone – especially businesses. And amidst all the chaos, as a business, you must double down on all your marketing efforts. Here are 4 Things to NOT do this Holiday Season:  

  • October Ads drive Holiday Sales

    Why do businesses that advertise early and continue throughout the season get the most sales? They know that the more exposure you get NOW, the higher the chances are you will be at the top of a customers mind when they are ready.  A mistake some businesses make is waiting too long to start promoting for the holidays… To help […]