Tag: advertising

  • Let me Geo Guide

    With different varieties of businesses, come different advertising needs. We are here to cater to yours in the following ways so that you can grow and promote your business. Get your ad up in minutes, and at an affordable price too. INDIVIDUAL/SINGLE BUSINESS Whether your a single location business based online or in a store, […]

  • Your Ad Foxified

    Meet our newest recruit at Cidewalk, Geo the fox, who helped create a new easy to use ad creator and preview tool, turning Cidewalk into a 100% self-service platform! Find out how you can get started using our new, easy to use ad creator and the added benefits of using a self-service ad platform. And if needed, Geo is […]

  • Not Alone

    As a business owner, you’re not alone if you feel intimidated by big brands. Thousands have the same question as you, “how do I stand out among the larger brands I compete with?” Businesses across the nation are starting to use the power of self service marketing platforms like Cidewalk to kick start and manage […]


    How do you know if geofencing is right for you? Your Customers are Local or you need to target a specific location (not everywhere) then you can set up a geofence in a city, town or at a specific address. If your a business target consumers (B2C) and NOT other businesses (B2B) then you can […]

  • Your Mobile Ad Footprint

    With Cidewalk’s easy to use, self service platform, you can create your own ad in minutes (no fancy ad experience needed). And the best part is it will start showing in your target area within minutes.  FULL TRANSPARENCY – YOUR AD FOOTPRINT See exactly where your ad is seen every day. A Real Time Activity […]