Tag: ads

  • Targeting the Right Audience

    Since we already know it can take up to 7 touch points to get the attention of your audience.  Make sure you’re doing everything you can to reach people with your mobile ad. The way you can do this is by setting up a retargeting ad. This will keep targeting anyone within your geofence even after they leave the […]

  • New Retargeting Ads

    Good news – we now offer retargeting! For just $100 you can extend the reach of any of your mobile ad campaigns and re-engage users even after they leave the location for up to 30 days. Simply activate retargeting for any ad right from your Cidewalk dashboard.

  • Guilty of Wasted Ad Spend?

    Having a great ad is only part one of what you need to do to target, engage and retain customers that keep your business going. Which brings us to the 2 essential missing pieces that complete your mobile marketing:  1. While your ad is busy driving traffic to your website, don’t leave people alone to find the info they need […]

  • Your Ad Foxified

    Meet our newest recruit at Cidewalk, Geo the fox, who helped create a new easy to use ad creator and preview tool, turning Cidewalk into a 100% self-service platform! Find out how you can get started using our new, easy to use ad creator and the added benefits of using a self-service ad platform. And if needed, Geo is […]

  • Not Alone

    As a business owner, you’re not alone if you feel intimidated by big brands. Thousands have the same question as you, “how do I stand out among the larger brands I compete with?” Businesses across the nation are starting to use the power of self service marketing platforms like Cidewalk to kick start and manage […]