Quick Cidewalk Update from CEO

To the Cidewalk community, partners, family and friends,

I know you’ve been receiving many of these emails from most of the businesses and services you’re using so I will make this as short as possible.

From all of us at Cidewalk, we simply want to assure everyone that we will continue to operate without any hiccups or delays to any of mobile ads across the US or Canada. This year we made an exciting transition to support a self-serve ad model for our clients.  This allows our team to be home safe with their families while still being 100% available to all of our clients advertising needs, continue to create new products and make advances in the mobile ad sector.

As always, we can be reached 24/7 thru multiple support channels. Thank you for being part of the Cidewalk Community. Please be safe and stay healthy!

-Cidewalk CEO, Venkat Kolluri & The Cidewalk Team