For You: Mobile Ads Quick Start Guide

There are officially more mobile devices than there are people in the US, so the demand we are seeing from businesses who want to be on mobile increases everyday. 

The biggest concern we see from businesses of all sizes, is they are just not sure how to get started. So we’ve created a Cidewalk Mini Start Guide to address this concern because it really is easier than you think to get your business promoted on mobile.

Your title is the first thing they will see in your ad, make this catchy by highlighting the benefit of your business to the user.  Consumers want to know ‘what’s in it for them’ when they see an ad and benefits directly tell the consumer what they will get from your business. If you are currently offering any sales, deals or coupons, this is a good way to feature it. The description can be longer, here you can go into more detail of how to get it or more info on what you’re offering.

Your ad will start showing up as a banner across the bottom of the most popular apps,  – everything from news, radio, weather, sports to gaming, social, video, and communication apps, targeting people in the town you select. ​

So while creating the ad copy, take off your sellers hat, and put on your customers cap, and think about what they care for.  Cidewalk’s  hyper local geo-targeting ad platform will take care of the rest.