Wed, 30 Sep 2015 11:33:43 -0700
Favorite techniques and tools for conducting market research
Does your mind ever just draw a . . . . a . . . .oh, what’s the word – BLANK! Sometimes you just can’t think of the right word or you need an idea and keep coming up empty. It’s times like these that I either A) Completely detach myself from the situation in hopes of recharging my brain B) Come up with as many bad ideas as possible or C) Research the problem as much as possible.
A little bit of research would’ve told them one of these things is not like the other
Going the research route allows me the opportunity to learn what others are doing, as well as run tests on my precise problem. (Or if I get desperate, I ask 6 celebrities for help). There are various ways that you can conduct primary research in order to get results. (And no matter the methodology, make sure you always follow these steps). Here are a couple of our favorites:
- Social Media Poll – Use your social media platforms for instant poll results. In addition to asking fans to respond, you can use the like / retweet / share functions to get results between two choices. Ex: Like if you prefer option A and Share if you prefer option B. This can also expand your social footprint.
- Ask Customers – One of the best things you can do is ask your customers directly. Gauge their feedback and identify which features and benefits are most important to them. Be cautious though – this will help you attract similar customers, but may not be useful in attracting new market segments.
- Cidewalk Messages – Test out a few different messages on your Cidewalk ads and see which gets the best results. Alter the phrasing, include “sales” words (free, limited time, etc.), or try different promotional angles. Just remember to log into your dashboard to track how each ad is performing.
- Online Tools – There are multiple free online tools that can help you build a survey. My favorite is Surveymonkey, but there is also SurveyGizmo, Kwiksurveys, and Zoho. Emailing these to your customers will get you faster feedback and [usually] better analysis of the results.
- Outside Resources – If nothing else, remember that there are many national organizations that will give you free advice. Check out your local SCORE or SBDC chapter to see if they have any additional insights into your marketplace.
Even with enough research, you won’t know what post is coming next – so make sure to keep checking back!
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