Happy Birthday!

Tue, 13 Dec 2016 15:09:15 -0800

Getting the most from the event marketing
It’s our birthday, but you get the present!

To celebrate, we’re offering all new customers their 1st Month Free! This gift will provide you with:

  • Brand Awareness – You are guaranteed to get thousands of views every single day. 
  • Local Targeting – Your ads will reach only those that matter the most – those in your local community
  • Mobile Marketing – People will see you in a more unique and modern way  

Cidewalk is coming up on its first birthday; this gave us another great reason to tell everyone about us (Btw, this is a real promotion we’re running – feel free to click here to find out more - *THIS OFFER EXPIRED 7/31/15 THANK YOU EVERYONE TO SIGNED UP*). There are many types of events you can promote (grand re-opening, new product launch, a timed sale, charity event, or just a party . . . .also don’t forget digital events such as webinars, online training, or digital promotions) and there are even more benefits:
And don’t just limit yourself to hosting events; creating tie-ins to seasonal events or events others are hosting can be just effective. (What would Christmas be without a new Coke commercial?) Volkswagen leveraged its sponsorship with this year’s Shark Week to create a unique game. The [relative] recent rise in music festival popularity has caused many a clothing brand to change their summer advertising plans. Think about what ways you can leverage a national event on a local scale . . . or even better, leverage a local event. In my hometown, businesses would come with zany promotions or host parties whenever the ‘tall ships’ came in (riveting, I know). The closer you can relate to the community, the more successful the event will be.

Obviously missing a certain carbonated beverage
  • Social Media Content – Hosting an event lends to great social media content. Invite people to your event, post pictures / video of event highlights, and thank people for coming & contributing.
  • PR and Brand Exposure – In a similar manner, let others promote your event for you. Send out announcement press releases before the event and make sure to invite media so they can cover it.
  • Foot Traffic – If you’re hosting an in-person event, make it spectacle. Make sure everyone driving or walking by can see it whether that be via balloons, streamers, or wacky flailing inflatable tube guys.
  • Target Market & Product Experience – Those in attendance are likely interested in purchasing your product / using your service. Use time for lead generation and allow potential customers to demo the product. Maybe you give a few free haircuts if your a salon? Or you could host a quick 2 minute workout if you’re a gym / trainer? The more interactive (read: memorable) the better.  
  • Positive Reviews – This is a great time to gather testimonials. Customers are likely to be giddy from the atmosphere and will transfer that giddiness to you. Gather reviews so you can later use them on your website, marketing materials, and social media outlets.

Check back for more tips on how to inspire action . . .. you party animal you.

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