Category: Business Tips

  • How to Make your Ad Click

    How to Make your Ad Click

    As a business owner, you already know how important it is to get the word out about your business, and a way to do that is with mobile advertising. A lot of thought goes into the different ways to grow a business but a staggering 90% of businesses don’t know how to promote their business!  Here is a guide on how […]

  • Are These 3 Myths Harming your Business?

    1. I don’t need to market my business, my product/service is good enough to sell itself. Even though you have a great product or service, keep in mind that people need to first know you exist, before they come looking for you. With almost 30 million small businesses in the US alone, marketing is absolutely […]

  • Let me Geo Guide

    With different varieties of businesses, come different advertising needs. We are here to cater to yours in the following ways so that you can grow and promote your business. Get your ad up in minutes, and at an affordable price too. INDIVIDUAL/SINGLE BUSINESS Whether your a single location business based online or in a store, […]


    How do you know if geofencing is right for you? Your Customers are Local or you need to target a specific location (not everywhere) then you can set up a geofence in a city, town or at a specific address. If your a business target consumers (B2C) and NOT other businesses (B2B) then you can […]

  • 5 Tips to a Better Website

    Before you can kick off effective advertising on mobile or the web, you’re going to want your website to be ready to convert customers. If not, your advertising will be all for nothing, right? Kicking off our new series: 5 Tips to a Better Website. 1. Make your Website Mobile-Friendly. This one is very important […]