Your Biz Health Check ✔️

Like many, you’ve made a resolution to start 2019 off a healthier new you – but don’t forget to include improvements to your business health as well!

Keep your business in good shape with these 3 tips:

1. Speed up your website. Studies have found that if a website doesn’t load in under 3 seconds, your customers will abandon it and move on.
✔️Test your website load time here.

2. Make sure you’re on Google. People will find out about you through advertising, but will ultimately find you by searching on Google later on. Search for the keywords or phrase people would use to find you on Google and make sure your business shows up.
✔️Google your business and check.

3. Get up and get moving. If people don’t know you exist, they won’t know to search and find you.  Get the word out about your business in minutes.
✔️Launch a local ad in your town.

Happy Promoting!
Taylor Brady,
Cidewalk Advertiser Success Specialist

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