Author: Cidewalk

  • Agencies Love This

    Independent Marketing Agencies, SMB Advisors and Sales Consultants, you can now offer discounted, location based & geo-fence enabled, local mobile ads to your clients. You will receive referral commission and your clients will have the business solutions they are looking for to help grow their business. Apply now and receive: -Your Discount Code -Certified Partner Badge -Referral Revenue […]

  • Your GeoFence Location Matters

    Every business needs to advertise their products and services, but showing your ad to the wrong audience is wasted ad spend. That’s where Geofencing comes in. Geofencing allows you to set up a virtual perimeter in a specific location where your potential customers are and only show your ad there. It’s not just about displaying […]

  • Your Biz Health Check ✔️

    Like many, you’ve made a resolution to start 2019 off a healthier new you – but don’t forget to include improvements to your business health as well! Keep your business in good shape with these 3 tips: 1. Speed up your website. Studies have found that if a website doesn’t load in under 3 seconds, your customers will […]

  • Guess What Happened?

    2018 is coming to an end and we are thrilled to look back on an amazing year with all of you! Small businessess are thriving and we’re so glad we had a chance to play a small part by doing what we can to empower businesses. Here are our 10 favorite moments from 2018: We are looking […]

  • More Reach More Customers

    We are not only gearing up for a great 2019, we have increased our coverage giving you access to MORE people all across the US!  How? We’ve partnered with over 10,000 additional popular apps where your mobile ads can target new people.   Now your mobile ads will be seen by even more customers in the cities or towns you […]