Advanced Cidewalk Techniques Part 1: Proper A/B Testing to Measure and Run Better Promotions
Wed, 03 Jun 2015 06:58:10 -0700 Everyone wants to run the best possible promotion that he or she can, in order to get the most valuable views and actions. Today, we’re going to dive into one advanced technique of using the Cidewalk mobile promotions platform to promote your business: A/B Testing.In a nutshell, an A/B test is a […]
Advanced Cidewalk Techniques Part 2: Leveraging the Power of Social Media + Cidewalk For Your Business
Wed, 03 Jun 2015 06:57:57 -0700 So we’ve been over how to properly A/B test (link) your Cidewalk promotions to get the most out of them. Now that you have the perfect set of two or three go-to promotions that really work, how do you maximize the number of people who see each one?Social media.Cidewalk’s […]
Where do mobile users spend their time, and what does this mean for business owners?
Wed, 03 Jun 2015 06:57:41 -0700 This week, the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) released their latest study comparing mobile web usage to app usage across the U.S.Now if you were to guess, would you say that people browsed more on the mobile web, or instead turned to apps?The answer: Both.As the IAB’s report relates, “In […]
Social Media Referral Traffic Trumps Organic
Wed, 03 Jun 2015 06:57:30 -0700 In continuing with our social media focus this week, we turn to a recent Marketing land article that talks about the impact of social media in driving referrals.According to the findings of Shareaholic: Social media continues to drive more referrals than organic search. Facebook’s share of referral traffic has soared 277.26% […]
Advanced Cidewalk Techniques Part 3: Increasing Your Business’ Foot Traffic With Coupon Promotions
Wed, 03 Jun 2015 06:56:57 -0700 In part 3 of our Advanced Cidewalk Techniques series, we’re going to walk you through creating a coupon for your business to increase the foot traffic coming to your store or restaurant.Previously, we discussed making a big impact on your promotions themselves – from A/B testing to increase the number […]