Author: Cidewalk

  • Putting On The Sorting Hat

    Thu, 13 Aug 2015 12:30:13 -0700 5 ways for small businesses to segment the market I am a sorter at heart. I want everything in its place, which should consist of right angles and being perfectly parallel (and if you ever want to make me irrationally angry, show me a tile out of place, something […]

  • Wait For It . . . .  .

    Thu, 13 Aug 2015 12:38:03 -0700 Why local businesses have to prepare for instant gratification Like seemingly most of America, I am completely and utterly addicted to coffee. I’m 50% certain that Dunkin Donuts is preparing to name a drink after me (My vote is for Iced Soy Vanilla Latte . .  .with a double […]

  • I Guarantee You’re Going to Hear About This Again

    Thu, 13 Aug 2015 13:02:52 -0700 Why repetition is key in marketing according to the Baader-Meinhof Phenomenon “You know, we have met once and see each other around all the time but can’t remember each other’s name” I replied.  At a recent event, a friend was making sure that I knew one of her friends. […]

  • That Picture is Going to Cost Me How Many Words??

    Fri, 14 Aug 2015 09:53:59 -0700 Images vs. Text – which is more likely to improve my advertising? Have you ever traveled to a foreign country where you don’t speak the language? I remember travelling to France and, despite 4 years of high school French classes, felt completely lost when it came to communicating. Even basic phrases I […]

  • P.S. Don’t Forget the P.S.

    Fri, 14 Aug 2015 09:56:18 -0700 Using the Primacy and Recency Effect to improve your marketing messageStitchLanternBullseyeAppleTeapotBanksDragonTrampEdgarGypsyUpside-down cakeSnowman Without looking, how many things on that list can you remember? (Hey, I said no looking!). On average, most people can remember about 7 items on a list (give or take two). Additionally, most people will remember […]