Author: Cidewalk

  • Does high population = high mobile usage?

    Fri, 22 May 2015 08:53:59 -0700 When we began Cidewalk we asked ourselves the question, “which city in the US has the highest population” because we just assumed that’s where the heaviest mobile usage would come from – makes sense right?  Well, we were wrong.  Turns out where the most people are doesn’t  always mean […]

  • How Local is Local?

    Tue, 16 Jun 2015 17:58:46 -0700 Now you can see exactly which neighborhoods and streets are learning about your promotion and business. Now that’s LOCAL.  SIGN UP NOW  or  LOG IN  Instant. Local. Mobile. . . . .. You know that instant means right away. In this day and age, mobile literally means anywhere. But […]

  • Extra Extra! Headlines Matter! Read All About It!

    Fri, 14 Aug 2015 10:04:56 -0700 Think about the last new person you met. How long did it take until you had already made up your mind about the person? Their first words? Their handshake? Their smile? Scientists say that we make decisions about people in fractions of a second. Microsoft recently published a 54 […]

  • The Backyard vs. The Big Box

    Thu, 13 Aug 2015 12:23:42 -0700 Benefits Local Businesses Have Over National Chains “Where are you from?” It’s almost a question I dread whenever I meet new people. See, my dad was in the military and that meant moving around a lot (already I can hear the collective “ooooh”). I’ve continued this trend by moving […]

  • *New* Cidewalk Call to Action Blog

    Fri, 14 Aug 2015 09:57:19 -0700 In order to help you better understand what marketing is and optimize your small business marketing strategy, we’re relaunching our blog – the Cidewalk Call to Action blog. Content will now be focused on how to market your business, social media marketing, call to action examples, successful advertising techniques […]