Fri, 23 Oct 2015 13:07:11 -0700
4. Name Recognition – Depending on the type of election and the status level, name recognition may be the hardest achievement in running a campaign. Make your “Business Name” your own name to get it in front of voters’ eyeballs.
3. Events, Rallies, & Fundraisers – Schedule future ads around specific events, rallies, and fundraisers that you are hosting. This will help people know about these events and increase turnout.
2. Message Platform – Want people to better understand what you stand for? Refresh your ad frequently to get various points of your platform noticed. You can also use this to respond to current events (or negative opponent ads).
1. GOTV – Start your Get Out The Vote campaign early. From the very beginning you should be using your ‘Description’ section to tell people when they should vote (either in the primary or main election). Making sure your supporters vote for you is the only way to win!