Mon, 14 Sep 2015 14:06:01 -0700
The unique thing about healthcare is that everybody needs it, but nobody wants it. Many people eschew preventative checkups, those with chronic conditions don’t take the necessary measures to prevent complications, and the general population would rather pretend they don’t what regular exercise means.
3. Talk About Specialties – Use the ‘Description’ section of your ad to talk about your specialties or unique services. Not only can this include medical specialties (such as cardiac, home care, or pediatrics) but also could include service oriented benefits (such as wait times, superior service, or convenient location).
2. Appeal to Both Care Providers And Patients – With the either of the upper echelon accounts, you can run multiple ads in the same town. Use one slot to promote to care providers and the other to speak directly to patients by filling the “Description” section with different benefits.
1. Flaunt Your Awards – Did you recently win an award? Tell everyone about your success! (You’ve earned it!) This will help build a positive brand image and associate your facility with success.