Are These 3 Myths Harming your Business?

1. I don’t need to market my business, my product/service is good enough to sell itself.
Even though you have a great product or service, keep in mind that people need to first know you exist, before they come looking for you. With almost 30 million small businesses in the US alone, marketing is absolutely essential to stand out from others. Even big brands like Coca Cola and Disney never stop advertising, for a reason! 

2. The more variety of people I target, the more I’ll sell.
Here is where quality over quantity comes into play.  Work smart not hard. Use your time, resources and budget intelligently. You know where you customers are.  Strategically choose specific locations where you know your target customers are located, not all over.

3. Advertising is too expensive, I can’t afford it.
Not anymore. Thanks to rapid advancements in marketing and advertising technologies, small businesses are now able to afford services previously only accessible to Fortune 500 brands. Companies like Cidewalk have leveled the playing field, letting businesses of any size reach people with small budgets.

With Cidewalk, you can launch a local mobile geofenced ad campaign for just $100 a month, giving you 30,000 monthly ad views.

And by the way, you don’t need to be a super star to create your mobile ad! –> Click here to see how easy it is to create your mobile ad campaign.