3 Mistakes Small Businesses Make

Owning a small business is easy.. said no one ever! Making the right decisions, especially early on, will help keep your business successful.  Good news is, there’s easy and affordable ways to give your business a boost.

3 Mistakes Made by Small Businesses:

1. Not Marketing Enough. You may have created a very good product or service, but a common mistake is thinking business will come to you without telling people about it. Don’t underestimate the importance of marketing in different ways.  Marketing Guide.

2. Stopping at Bare Minimum.  You may know your business is awesome but do others? Unless you’ve already established a big brand like Pepsi, chances are people won’t know who you are. Advertise your benefit to the customer not just your logo or business name in your ads and answer the question:. “What’s in it for me?”

3. Forgetting your Existing Customers. About 80% of business comes from repeat customers – so don’t forget about them! Keep them engaged and aware of your business using newsletters or a Text Message Group.

Happy Promoting!
Taylor Brady,
Cidewalk Advertiser Success Specialist

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