11 Days Left!

Continuing our journey to empower small businesses, we are giving away free ads all throughout the month of November!

Launch your ad now and experience first hand powerful marketing that can be used on a limited budget – a technology once only available to big brands to promote and grow.

Cidewalk is giving 10 million ad views to 10,000 businesses in celebration of Small Business Saturday*  This is your chance to test drive for free, the latest cost effective tool that thousands of businesses are using across the US and Canada to stand up to big brands.

“Within minutes I was able to launch an Ad campaign targeting the entire town, another Ad campaign targeting one residential community and third Ad campaign set to a hyper-local geofence targeting just one building – Simple Dental

What can you learn in just one day?

  • How easy it is to set your own geofence
  • How quickly you can launch a mobile ad in just minutes
  • How to monitor and track your mobile ad campaign footprint with our Real Time Ad Technology