Tag: marketing

  • Live In 5

    Did you know people check their cell phones about 150 times per day?* Reaching your customers on mobile is now easier than ever with Cidewalk. No fancy design team needed, and within minutes you can be reaching people anywhere in the US or Canada, right on their phones. ➡️ Easy Ad Create ➡️ Set Your Target ➡️ Your […]

  • One is Good But 3 is Better

    Find out how Eva used Cidewalk’s Full Marketing Suite to grow her Real Estate Business.  Setting Goals Eva was interested in: 1. Reaching people to promote her listings 2. Being available to interested buyers 3. An easy way to engage existing clients One-Stop Solution Eva was already using Cidewalk Spotlite Mobile ads. With the addition of TXT […]

  • Are These 3 Myths Harming your Business?

    1. I don’t need to market my business, my product/service is good enough to sell itself. Even though you have a great product or service, keep in mind that people need to first know you exist, before they come looking for you. With almost 30 million small businesses in the US alone, marketing is absolutely […]

  • Not Alone

    As a business owner, you’re not alone if you feel intimidated by big brands. Thousands have the same question as you, “how do I stand out among the larger brands I compete with?” Businesses across the nation are starting to use the power of self service marketing platforms like Cidewalk to kick start and manage […]

  • Sell to the Heart

    Should you use the same marketing strategy reaching other businesses as you would consumers? You may have a great marketing pitch for targeting new customers all set and ready to go but you may be surprised to find out that your message should not be based on your business but rather who your target audience […]