Gone in 3 Seconds…

You only have about 3 seconds to catch your customer’s attention ⏱️ You put in a lot of effort into marketing your product, selectively choosing a location to geofence but are you grabbing their attention in the end? Now you can with our new Lightning ads. Click image below to see a sample Lightning Read more…

GeoFence an Event ?

Is attending an event too costly for your small business? Now you don’t need to spend thousands and waste time going to one – simply target attendees from right where you are! How can YOU use mobile to reach people interested in your business?   ? Launch a Blast Ad and set a Read more…

WHO is using Cidewalk?

There are several different ways you can use Cidewalk’s Geofenced Local Mobile Ads to grow your business, it’s not limited to a particular industry. Any business of any size can use Cidewalk to reach more people where they are already looking… on their phone! Here are some examples of how Read more…