Can YOU Handle the Geofencing

Geofencing, the much talked about, hyper local advertising tool that’s proven to be quite a highly effective way to target customers. You’ve heard about how geofencing can help businesses reach the right people, but is your business right for geofencing? Here’s how to find out. Take the test and find out if geofencing is Read more…

Do YOU love your ad?

When businesses come to us and ask for help with their ad they often ask, “what should my ad say?” Our reply is actually rather simple, create an ad that you yourself would click on if you saw it. A consumer will ONLY click on an ad if it answers one question for Read more…

Power of 3

How can you easily maximize awareness about your business to people already near you or those visiting your area?   Simply target our Top 3 Recommended Locations: Target as many locations as you want for just $100 per location! Happy Promoting! Taylor Brady, Cidewalk Advertiser Success Specialist What else Read more…

It Pays to Plan Ahead

Like most successful businesses, you’re constantly trying to maintain a healthy balance between the day to day grind while also planning for the future of your business. We want you to know, we’re here to help you every step of the way. Not only should mobile advertising be simple, we want Read more…