Target Last Minute Shoppers

40% of shoppers wait until the last few days before Christmas to start their shopping! Target people who are out shopping now at busy locations like malls and then continue to target them for up to 30 days when they’re exchanging gifts and using gift cards, all with retargeting. Step 1: Create your ad Step 2: Enter Read more…

Targeting the Right Audience

Since we already know it can take up to 7 touch points to get the attention of your audience.  Make sure you’re doing everything you can to reach people with your mobile ad. The way you can do this is by setting up a retargeting ad. This will keep targeting anyone within your geofence Read more…

Retargeting an Event

Businesses are combining Event Targeting with Ad Retargeting to maximize ad views to their target audience. Why is this a winning combination? Studies show it can take up to 7 times of seeing an ad for a person to actually pay attention to it. Keep engaging your target audience and increase your touch points Read more…

New Retargeting Ads

Good news – we now offer retargeting! For just $100 you can extend the reach of any of your mobile ad campaigns and re-engage users even after they leave the location for up to 30 days. Simply activate retargeting for any ad right from your Cidewalk dashboard.