That Picture is Going to Cost Me How Many Words??
Fri, 14 Aug 2015 09:53:59 -0700 Images vs. Text – which is more likely to improve my advertising? Have you ever traveled to a foreign country where you don’t speak the language? I remember travelling to France and, despite 4 years of high school French classes, felt completely lost when it came to communicating. Even basic phrases I […]
P.S. Don’t Forget the P.S.
Fri, 14 Aug 2015 09:56:18 -0700 Using the Primacy and Recency Effect to improve your marketing messageStitchLanternBullseyeAppleTeapotBanksDragonTrampEdgarGypsyUpside-down cakeSnowman Without looking, how many things on that list can you remember? (Hey, I said no looking!). On average, most people can remember about 7 items on a list (give or take two). Additionally, most people will remember […]
Hi Diddly Ho Neighbor
Fri, 14 Aug 2015 10:07:49 -0700 How to get on-board with the hyperlocal marketing craze I was recently attending an event where the speaker told a story about his experience in the town I grew up in (which is 1000 miles away from where I currently live). Two days later, I was reading an article […]
Orange is the New Red
Fri, 14 Aug 2015 10:06:16 -0700 Traditionally, marketers have been obsessed with gaining attention – nearly anyway they could. One of the main tools that marketers have at their disposal is the choice of color. Color can instantly transform mood – and influence action. In order to gain attention, marketers historically shifted towards using red […]
Extra Extra! Headlines Matter! Read All About It!
Fri, 14 Aug 2015 10:04:56 -0700 Think about the last new person you met. How long did it take until you had already made up your mind about the person? Their first words? Their handshake? Their smile? Scientists say that we make decisions about people in fractions of a second. Microsoft recently published a 54 […]