Happy Birthday!
Tue, 13 Dec 2016 15:09:15 -0800 Getting the most from the event marketing It’s our birthday, but you get the present! To celebrate, we’re offering all new customers their 1st Month Free! This gift will provide you with: Brand Awareness – You are guaranteed to get thousands of views every single day. Local Targeting – […]
The Backyard vs. The Big Box
Thu, 13 Aug 2015 12:23:42 -0700 Benefits Local Businesses Have Over National Chains “Where are you from?” It’s almost a question I dread whenever I meet new people. See, my dad was in the military and that meant moving around a lot (already I can hear the collective “ooooh”). I’ve continued this trend by moving […]
Putting On The Sorting Hat
Thu, 13 Aug 2015 12:30:13 -0700 5 ways for small businesses to segment the market I am a sorter at heart. I want everything in its place, which should consist of right angles and being perfectly parallel (and if you ever want to make me irrationally angry, show me a tile out of place, something […]
Wait For It . . . . .
Thu, 13 Aug 2015 12:38:03 -0700 Why local businesses have to prepare for instant gratification Like seemingly most of America, I am completely and utterly addicted to coffee. I’m 50% certain that Dunkin Donuts is preparing to name a drink after me (My vote is for Iced Soy Vanilla Latte . . .with a double […]
I Guarantee You’re Going to Hear About This Again
Thu, 13 Aug 2015 13:02:52 -0700 Why repetition is key in marketing according to the Baader-Meinhof Phenomenon “You know, we have met once and see each other around all the time but can’t remember each other’s name” I replied. At a recent event, a friend was making sure that I knew one of her friends. […]