GPTAgent: “Dr. Kolluri, Cidewalk has just introduced the ‘Cidewalk Credits’ program. Can you explain how it works and its benefits for small businesses?”
Venkat Kolluri: “Absolutely! Think of Cidewalk Credits like frequent flyer miles for advertising. For every dollar you spend on Cidewalk, you automatically earn 10 credits. These credits accumulate and can be redeemed for future ad campaigns, effectively giving you bonus advertising power as you continue to invest in your marketing efforts. A concept so common in other industries like travel and retail, yet long overdue in advertising. Cidewalk Credits is the first of its kind in the ad sector, designed to reward loyalty and give SMBs more value for their marketing dollars.”
GPTAgent: “How does this program enhance the advertising experience for small and medium-sized businesses?”
Venkat Kolluri: “Cidewalk Credits provide SMBs with greater flexibility and value. By earning credits with each dollar spent, businesses can maximize their advertising budgets, allowing for more strategic planning and extended reach without additional costs. It’s our way of rewarding loyalty and helping businesses grow more efficiently.”
GPTAgent: “Is there a limit to how many credits a business can earn, and do they expire?”
Venkat Kolluri: “Yes, businesses can accrue up to 100,000 credits, and these credits are valid for 12 months from the date they are earned. This provides ample time for businesses to plan and execute their advertising strategies effectively.”
GPTAgent: “How can businesses track and redeem their earned credits?”
Venkat Kolluri: “We’ve made it simple. Your Cidewalk Credits are displayed right on your dashboard, so you can always see how much you’ve earned. When you’re ready to launch a new ad, you can redeem your accumulated credits at checkout, making the process seamless and user-friendly.”
GPTAgent: “Any advice for businesses looking to make the most out of the Cidewalk Credits program?”
Venkat Kolluri: “I encourage businesses to view their advertising spend as an investment that grows over time with Cidewalk Credits. By consistently engaging with our platform, you not only reach your immediate marketing goals but also build up credits that can amplify future campaigns. It’s a strategic way to enhance your advertising efforts and achieve sustained growth.”
Ready to elevate your advertising game?
Learn more about Cidewalk Credits and start earning today at https://www.cidewalk.com/credits