We’re thrilled to announce that Cidewalk now supports Car Top Ads in over 15 metropolitan regions across the US. 

If you’re looking for a dynamic and eye-catching way to promote your business, event, or special promotion, Car Top Ads are the perfect choice. Here are the top three reasons why Car Top Ads are a game-changer for your marketing strategy:

  1. Mobile and Versatile Exposure: Car Top Ads travel throughout the city, reaching a diverse and widespread audience. Unlike stationary billboards, they bring your message directly to your target market, wherever they are.
  2. High Visibility: Positioned at eye level, Car Top Ads are hard to miss. Whether your audience is walking, driving, or riding public transport, your ad stays in their line of sight, ensuring maximum impact.
  3. Time-Sensitive Advertising: Perfect for promoting limited-time offers, events, and seasonal promotions, Car Top Ads create a sense of urgency and excitement. Get your message out quickly and effectively.

Expand your reach and make a lasting impression with this innovative advertising solution.

GET STARTED: www.cidewalk.com/car-tops
Get the first day free