Custom Ads just for YOU

Great news for businesses who need customized hyper-local, geofencing options! Take advantage of our NEW completely customizable 5 location ad package, with retargeting! CUSTOM AD PACKAGE FEATURES: -Hyper Target < 1 mile for any location up to 4 locations-Hyper local ads come with retargeting so you can continue to target your audience for Read more…

Your Global Potential

Now that Cidewalk has gone global, businesses all over the world are realizing the new potential reach they have. Until now, it was not possible for businesses in other countries to launch a Cidewalk mobile ad reaching customers at their nearby competitor locations or for businesses to advertise in other countries as Read more…

We’ve Gone Global

Looking for a way to make a BIG leap into the 2021 holiday season? Go Global with new Cidewalk Global Ads and reach people anywhere in the world!  Go BIG with international advertising. Now that Cidewalk is available anywhere, businesses in the US can launch a local ad reaching people in any country and businesses based outside Read more…

Here’s how they find you

How do you, a small business stand out among all the other businesses around you? It’s actually quite simple, long gone are the days where thousands are needed to keep up with big advertising budgets. Cidewalk is directly connected to the top apps and websites used by your customers everyday across Read more…

Becoming a Household Brand

How do businesses become household brands without breaking the bank? With Local, Digital, Affordable Ads by Cidewalk!  Contrary to what you’ve been told, mobile and web advertising CAN be affordable AND easy. We make it both so you can reach people where you need starting at just $60 a month! Cidewalk’s All-In-One Mobile Marketing Platform is 100% Read more…