Jayson Vincent Design

This story is part of Cidewalk’s series of  “Stories Behind a Business” featuring the untold side of businesses from all over the world. What’s Your Story? Share it here.

“What Pixar movie inspired our next featured entrepreneur to venture out with a mission to be a creative superstar on the east coast?”

Jayson Vincent Design is an entrepreneurial design agency that specializes in designing and developing creative business solutions, with a focus on multi-media, graphic and web design.

Ever since I can remember, I have been an artist. As a child I was always expressing my creativity through drawing. In my youth drawing was just a hobby, something I used as an escape. My work always received positive feedback from those around me and I was always asked to draw things for others. I would say for me the “light bulb” moment was at the age of 13 with the 1995 release of Pixar’s “Toy Story”. That’s when everything clicked for me. I was blown away by the art and technology. I knew right then and there what I wanted to do with my life. It became my dream to create art professionally and make a living doing what I love. My professional journey began in 2008 after graduating with my Bachelor’s degree in Media Arts & Animation from the New England Institute of Art. Since then, I have gained valuable experience as a graphic designer, an animator, an illustrator and as a game artist.

After working for several small entrepreneurial companies in Massachusetts I realized that it wasn’t enough to just love what I did and work for someone else. So, I decided to venture out on my own as a freelancer. However, if anyone follows the creative pulse in this country, they know that the west coast is generally the Mecca of the creative world (particularly California and Silicon Valley). With my roots here on the east coast, I began to ask myself, “Why can’t there be a major player in the creative world on the east coast, right here in Massachusetts?” So, it is my goal to create the next “Pixar” right here in Mass. What gets me excited about this is the fact that it hasn’t been done. I welcome the journey and the challenges it presents. I love connecting with new people, learning about their businesses and forming strong, lasting relationships. I am confident that by surrounding myself with the right people, investors, businesses and creative talent that the sky is the limit. Anything can be achieved when you believe in yourself and you consistently work hard towards your dreams.

Being that Jayson Vincent Design is still in its infancy, I would say some challenges I’ve overcome would be, finding and securing that first client. Having a solid business plan along with a solid contract in place that protects both myself as an artist (let’s face it… we all need to get paid for our work) and the client. It’s imperative to set proper price points (Not under selling yourself or over promising to clients). Networking and marketing the business have presented their own set of challenges but social media has helped to bridge the gap between consumer and service provider. Not biting off more than I can chew and avoiding burnout (Sure… I could take on another project right now but should I). I think the most important thing to know when starting a business is that there are going to be challenges…a lot of them. So, you need to embrace each challenge head on with enthusiasm and the ability to adapt.

For a limited time, I am offering my design services to first time clients at an amazing DISCOUNT! Initial Price Points: Web Design: $500 First time clients will receive a FREE consultation with me, purchase of URL, rough design layouts, final design layouts, one year of web hosting and an amazing functional website for you and/or your business. Motion Graphics: $500 First time clients will receive a FREE consultation with me, storyboard(s), animatic, final rendered motion graphics video file. Graphic Design: $100 First time clients will receive a FREE consultation with me, rough design draft(s), and final composition files. This includes, business cards, letter heads, brochures, flyers, posters, banners etc. Whatever your design needs may be. If you or someone you know is in need of GREAT design work at an affordable price, let’s talk! This is a LIMITED time offer and prices may vary based on project scope, timeline and complexity. CONTACT

